The importance of vagina is not only confined to be an inextricable part of reproductive system, but also a part of womanhood. Normally, women feel hesitant to discuss on the issues related to it. However, too much ignorance to it might invite unavoidable consequences at a later stage of life. Along with the advancing age, all parts of our body relax, containing the vagina. There are many uncomfortable symptoms associated with it.
These symptoms embrace loose skin, vaginal protrusions, and complications with incontinence, plus diminished sexual satisfaction. A few other reasons that women experience vaginal rejuvenation include tampons falling out, scar tissue neighbouring the vagina, feeling a ‘popping’ sound throughout an aerobics session or when walking, and difficulties passing bowel movements. All this anxiety can definitely have an adverse effect on any woman’s self-confidence.
These symptoms embrace loose skin, vaginal protrusions, and complications with incontinence, plus diminished sexual satisfaction. A few other reasons that women experience vaginal rejuvenation include tampons falling out, scar tissue neighbouring the vagina, feeling a ‘popping’ sound throughout an aerobics session or when walking, and difficulties passing bowel movements. All this anxiety can definitely have an adverse effect on any woman’s self-confidence.
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Through this sophisticated technology, your all related apprehensions would be resolved. In this therapy, heat energy is emitted through the laser beams which stimulate the manufacture of collagen as well as elastin which helps to make stronger the vaginal canal along with the cervical column. It is a gentle technique that produces accurate results. No cutting on the body is required.
Advantages of Vaginal Rejuvenation
1. Harmless and Simple
The treatment is harmless and simple. The method can be done in just fifteen minutes. It is best that sessions be accomplished once a month. A total of three sessions is suggested for optimal results. Nevertheless, treatments may differ from individual to individual.
2. Strengthens as well as Tightens: The laser stimulates the construction of collagen and elastin, which assistances to fortify the vaginal canal as well as the cervical column. This is how this laser vaginal rejuvenation technique is able to toughen and tighten the walls of the vagina, re-establishing contour and improving muscle tone. This results in a tighter as well as invigorated vagina.
3. Relaxation and Confidence
After undergoing the suggested treatment regime, you ought to experience an enhancement in your vaginal area, particularly tightening, strengthening as well as toning. This will benefit to raise any uncomfortable symptoms which you might have earlier experienced, and you will feel extra confident overall. You along with your partner will also be able to relish an enriched sexual experience.
4. Nil Side Effects
The laser vaginal rejuvenation technique is a non-invasive and non-surgical therapy. As such, there will be nil side effects, bleeding or swelling. Subsequently the treatment, you can pick up where you left off your daily activities, together with work or exercise.